Therapeutic food to save a child from malnutrition

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Help severely malnourished children with this life-saving therapeutic food!

Your gift provides 24 sachets of life-saving therapeutic food, which is a week's supply that can bring a malnourished child back to good health. This tasty peanut paste is easy for mothers to use at home and doesn't need to be mixed with water.

An average full course of treatment for a child amounts to around 10-15 kg of therapeutic food over 6-8 weeks, which is approximately one carton or 150 sachets.

It is our core purpose to respond to the actual needs of children. In some circumstances, we may need to replace items in your selected product with other essential items that are needed more to save and protect children’s lives. Please be assured that your contribution will make a difference.

How Shop works

Through our shop, you can provide life-saving gifts to children in need.

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Step 1

Select a gift.

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Step 2

UNICEF will deliver your life-saving gift to children in need.

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Step 3

Share news of your generosity with friends and family.